Thursday, June 25, 2009

Eureka Moment Week Six - The End

A few years back my cousin’s daughter, who was a twenty year old sophomore at Temple College, wanted to help her mom out financially. Her mother is a single mother who’d fallen on some hard times, and she was struggling to pay her daughters tuition on her own. So she confided in a younger cousin of ours (I have a very large family) that she knew some girls that danced and she was thinking of moonlighting as a dancer… without her clothes on. Needless to say that once this information circulated around my family every one banded together and did an intervention. Her mother was upset over the fact her daughter had even thought about being and exotic dancer.

That incident occurred about three years ago. My cousin confided in me that her son has been moonlighting as an exotic dancer for about a week to assist with his college fees. I was surprised that she had no problem with this, since she was very upset that her daughter had thought about it. When I asked my cousin how could she let her son dance? She said what can she do to stop him? He’s over the age of 18 now and a grown man now I can’t tell him what to do, he has his mind.

I also asked her why she thought it was ok for her son to dance and not her daughter. She said it was different for boys than it is for girls, and he can handle himself if a woman tries to get physical with him, however a woman is more vulnerable when she dances and can be victimized. Do you think that it is ok for men to be male exotic dancers, more so than women for the reason that my cousin pointed out? Would you feel differently about a woman who danced than a man… on a moral level?


  1. Taryn,

    It also makes me uncomfortable or embarrassed if a man cries over trivial things. Like Tiffany I think it is acceptable to cry over serious matters like the lose of a loved one or something along those lines.

    I know it is wrong but, I find it very unmanly if a man cries over a movie like the Titanic or Lion King.I am not very good with overly sensative or emotional people.

    However, I also think it is unattractive for a women to cry over silly things as welll, or cry just to be manipulative. Like when some women cry to get of getting a ticket. So for me the crying game goes both ways, I don't think men or women should do it unnecessarily.

  2. Robin,

    I don't know. If the husband is able to financially support his family comfortable without her job and she works primarilly because she wants to then I would have to agree with your daughter if that is something she wants to do.

    However if she wants to work and this is all her husbands idea and their finances are going to suffer because she lost her job than it would be a bad idea to add another child into the equation.

    Overall having a child should always be a joint decision.

  3. I would have to agree with you cousin on this one. In regards to safety, I feel a male is better able to handle himself because you rarely hear cases of men being raped compared to the numerous amounts of females that are sexually attacked yearly. Most females have to carry small weapons or other protective devices in order to feel safe working at a job like that. I think they are both degrading jobs to have whether male or female, but the threat men face is very minimal or nonexistent.
