Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Week One

Hi everyone my name is Kesha and I am the proud mother of two handsome young men, ages 9 and 1. I guess I should tell you guys a little bit about myself. I am a thirtish year old junior in the Continuing Studies College at Rider University. I presently work for the State of New Jersey at Motor Vehicle Commission in the Soil/Bankruptcy Department. After dealing with irate callers for several years about various driving offenses that they haven’t committed or were wrongly accused of I decided I needed to change my career. So in 2008 I decided to go back to college and get my Bachelors in something. That something turned out to be Liberal Studies with a minor in English.

So far I am really excited about this class. This is my first blog. I’ve heard of bloggers and I’ve seen a few in passing on the internet but I have never taken the time to attempt to start one or read one for that matter. So I’m stoked to be an official blogger. Yippie for me!!! I must make excuses for myself early on, my grammar and spelling can be a little off at times so forgive me in advance for any grammar errors I make.

So far I’ve read the first three chapters of our textbook and I must say this book is definitely not your usual textbook. I like the personal feel that the author gives to the book. There were many things I agreed with and a few things I didn’t agree with but overall I think it will be a very interesting semester. I am hoping to gain a better insight into people and how they feel and view themselves as far as their gender is concerned. I am not your average girl and I have never really focused too much on being the perfect girl or cared how people view me as long as I am happy with me and I don't infringe on anyone else. I grew up with three brothers and I tend to like a lot of “unladylike things” such as; video games and basketball…well since the WNBA came into play it may not be viewed as an all male sport any more. Anyway I’m hoping this class will take me out of my comfort zone and show me other ways of view gender and how other people wish others to view them.


  1. This blogging will be a first me as well. It is good to get used to another technological resource on the internet, so I am glad we're utilizing it. I also am enjoying the textbook, which is something that does not occur often. I really enjoy science and history, so I find the biological and anthropological sections so interesting.

  2. Kesha,
    Yes, I agree with the your comments about the author. I also like the personal feeling she using to address her point of views. I have only read the first two chapters but look forward to reading and learning more from her. Good luck!

  3. Hi Maissa congratualtions on being in your senior year. I know that you must be looking forward to graduating. I find it very interesting that your are from Lebanon. I am not very familiar with that part of the world, but I am curious to know if toys and commericals are gender specific in Lebanon?

    May 20, 2009 10:10 PM

  4. Hi Nik B. I'm presently a liberal studies major. I'm a junior and I am not sure when I will finish getting my bachelors because I only go part time. I look forward to readin your future posts and comments.

    May 20, 2009 10:21 PM
